It's been months since I've last blogged, so I don't blame you if you have forgotten me!
Its been a fairly miserable summer (weather wise) I'm not gonna lie! And I think since the last time I've blogged, Spain won the world cup. I know its now old news, but still, good on 'em!
But in more important news, Moneytree are finally touring, again! Off of the back of their soon to be released third and final segment of the Great Outdoors trilogy, they will be pretty much covering the whole of the nation.
Being the hardworking, dedicated intern I am (?), I've been helping in covering press and such for the tour, which starts in Liverpool and ends in our beautiful capital at the Old Queens Head.
This leads beautifully into more current Sotones news! Also at the Old Queens Head will be the two showcase parties on the 7th and 14th for Sotones, as described in the blog below. It is at these showcases that the brand new sampler, celebrating 1,313 days of Sotones, will be released, so be sure to get one!
Also, recently with Sotones, Anja McCloskey's debut has recieved a crazy amount of approval and praise and other such, and is TOTALLY worth getting your hands on!
And finally, on a-not-so-Sotones-related note, I (Sam Ziggy) will be playing as part of a battle of the bands at the Soul Cellar this coming Wednesday the 1st helping to raise money for Oxfam, so please, anyone 18+ come on down and support a good cause! (me.) Its £4 plus free entry to the DJ Hammy show afterwards.
(sorry Sotones for abusing your blog for my own purposes, but its all for a good cause!)
Anyway, I will see you all on at either of the Showcases, the Moneytree tour, and the Soul Cellar on Wednesday
until next time, Sam the intern (STI)