So...we set up this blog with the intention of updating it at least weekly but as these things always pan out, that didn't quite turn out to plan.
Things have to get done; release schedules have to be made, budgets have to be created, bills need to be paid, websites have to be designed and programmed, e-mails have to be sent and replied to, social networking sights have to be tended, videos need to be filmed and photos need to be taken, flyers, adverts and banners need to be drawn, designed and tea stained, shows have to be put on, masterplans over too much red wine need to be created, spreadsheets need to be spread and that's not even the half of it.
We all have our own bands and music (which is why we are a co-operative of artists) to get on with, material has to be written, rehearsals need to be rehearsed, recording has to be done, shows have to be booked and played, records need to be funded and issues have to be resolved. This all needs to happen whilst we work our jobs, spend time with our families, eat, sleep, shit and deal with all the other responsibilities we have to fulfil.
Doesn't leave a lot of time to write blogs.
However, communicating with our fans and supporters is one of the most important things for us. We created this label because we care about people, not about the cash flow, not about how cool we are (don't have much of a choice with that one) and not about succumbing to the latest indie fashion trend.
So...I decided to write another blog. I will (and hopefully some of our other artists and members) with enderver to write one every week, some of them may be short, some of them maybe long and some of them may be near on essays, some of them may have music to listen to, photos to look at, download and photoshop so it looks like our faces are on annoying celbrities and some may have new videos to watch. Fingers crossed, you'll want to read it often (please let us know if you think they are rubbish and we should just keep to the musics).
But for now I'll leave you with the thought that next time you come back, there may well be something worth reading rather than this little time wasting excersize.
Enjoy your week x
Sotones Co-Managing Director
8 years ago